Q&A with The Family Office Funding Challenge Team…
Principal Series:
Follow, contact and share with your colleagues the journey of our lucky winners and stay tuned for details of when they’ll be visiting for a Family Office Insights pitch in New York City. You are welcome to contact them directly in advance if you wish of course.
Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors. Join the community here www.familyofficeinsights.com
What is Family Office Funding Challenge?
There are so many talented entrepreneurs with great ideas who are struggling for funding, and the FOFC is a way to support those entrepreneurs with a competition, if won, allowing them to present to a room full of investors seeking credible opportunities.
How often will entrepreneurs have a chance to compete?
Every month.
What is different about FOFC from other such challenges?
Fortunately there are many similar benefits of FOFC to the many good and interesting challenges available otherwise. The affiliation with Family Office Insights and it's mature robust family office community is an interesting plus for entrepreneurs. What is clear, is that there is no reason for anyone not to apply to FOFC as we are not conflicted with any incubator, accelerator, or venture opportunity and the only outcome for winners is the opportunity to be put in front of the family office investors who want to be pitched!