Q&A with Chris Baratta of The Marque
Vice President
Principal Series:
The Marque’s tagline is: The Definitive First Impression. As the leader in the digital profile solutions and digital asset management space, we understand that a curated, polished digital presence is a necessity in today’s increasingly digitized world. Therefore, our mission is to give our clients the tools they need to ensure that their digital first impression is as clear, polished, and accurate as the one they make in person.

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Why Does Every Successful Individual Need a Strong Digital Communications Strategy?
As Will Rogers famously said, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Obviously, during his time, that first impression was done in person, most often accompanied by proper attire and a handshake. But, times have changed. In 2022, notably during the surge in remote work, the first impression many people make is often a Digital First Impression. So, in a sense, the handshake has been replaced by a Google search.
With over 90% of our correspondence today done via email or video calls, when an individual wants to find information on you, they will look to the internet. This begs the questions: How are you represented online? Do you own your digital persona? Are you in control of your online narrative?
How Does The Marque Help Clients Build an Effective Digital Communications Strategy?
At The Marque, we understand that an individual’s online presence, particularly on Google Page 1, should be viewed as a digital portfolio with assets and liabilities. Therefore, it is paramount to have a curated and maintained digital persona to present ourselves online as we do in our everyday lives. With a Marque Profile as the foundation of an individual’s digital strategy, they have ownership and are in control of their digital persona and online narrative.
The Marque achieves this by getting the profile to rank highly, ensuring it is one of the first search results people see in Google. In addition, our Profiles house more information than can be found on the first 5 pages of Google, while also linking to your companies, including for those you serve as a director or advisor, as well as recent news, media, publications, community & charitable work, and information in more than 30 profile sections.
Collectively, this ensures that people have access to the right information about you and your wide range of activities.
Our success is evident in the fact that our clients use their profiles often. For example, to send to conferences and other events when asked for a bio, to publications ahead of an interview, and, among other instances, for interviews for board appointments, advisory roles, and similar roles.
How Does The Marque Maintain Client Profiles and Ensure that the Information is Always Accurate and Up To Date?
A digital communications strategy is a needed tool that provides protection against online vulnerabilities, while also playing a significant role in branding, digital reputation management, and critical risk management.
Therefore, The Marque has an experienced Profile Management Team that helps guide our clients through the process of building a strong digital strategy and clear digital presence.
Each client has a dedicated Profile Manager who is always on hand to help you with your Profile or larger digital strategy. Our Profile Management team focuses on providing a White-glove service that includes daily/weekly research into your Profile to ensure all the information is accurate and up to date. This new information can include recent interviews, news articles, board appointments, and much more, that gives people conducting searches the right information on and right impression of our clients.

Chris Baratta of The Marque
As Vice President, Chris is responsible for US-based operations, focusing on client engagement, business development, and profile management. Largely due to his background in education, Chris is an effective communicator who works regularly with clients to develop strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of their digital presence. He brings an extensive knowledge and aptitude in all forms of writing to The Marque, as well as expertise as an editor and researcher. This gives him a strong foundation in building clear, unique narratives for client profiles that present their wide breadth of professional roles and showcase their extensive work outside of their careers.
Chris spent seven years as a lecturer at the university level, teaching courses in literature, cultural studies, critical theory, philosophy, composition, and public speaking. He has had his work published in academic journals, pedagogy texts, and, among other publications, essay collections, and has his work at numerous academic conferences.
Other professional experience includes time as a freelance writer, editor, and consultant, working in the fields of education, business, and, among others, arts & culture. Chris’ first professional role was as an analyst in the institutional investor group at Bank of America’s headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Chris earned a PhD in English from Binghamton University, where he also received a dissertation-year fellowship. He also holds an MA in English and BS in Finance from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Contact Chris: cbaratta@themarque.com