Q&A with Leonard Way of Beach Real Estate Funds LLC, an affiliate of The Beach Company
Senior Vice President and Fund Manager
Principal Series:
Beach Investment Fund, L.P. (“The Fund”) provides a unique opportunity to invest with The Beach Company, a proven multi-generational, family owned company, with decades of experience. The Beach Company has been active in the Southeast region for over 75 years and intends to fully bring its unique and unparalleled expertise to bear in order to achieve success in the Fund’s endeavors.
Utilizing The Beach Company’s extensive background in real estate investment, development, and management, the Fund aims to acquire existing multifamily properties and implement a clear, discernible strategy to improve operations, increase cash flows, and ultimately create significant value for investors.
Join us for a private Family Office Insights Webinar/Teleconference featuring
Beach Real Estate Funds, LLC and to learn more about their multifamily real estate investment opportunity in the thriving Southeast.
December 9th, 2020 • 2:15pm-3:15pm EST
Investors Only Please

Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors. Join the community here www.familyofficeinsights.com
Why Focus on Multifamily Communities for your real estate investment?
The demand for apartments has reached historical highs and is expected to continue for many years. This demand is driven by numerous factors:
• Household formations are outpacing the new supply for all forms of
• Rental payments remain less expensive than mortgage payments.
• Generational shifts tend to prefer renting to owning as a lifestyle choice.
Why invest with The Beach Company?
The Beach Company is a multigenerational, family-owned company that has been investing in and managing real estate throughout the Southeastern US for over 75 years with over $1.5 billion of real estate investment. The Beach Real Estate Funds team brings the unique and unparalleled expertise of The Beach Company to bear in order to achieve successful value creation for its investors.
What sets the Beach Investment Fund apart from its competitors?
The Fund's management team brings an operator's point of view to everything we do. Every team member has worked in property management at some point in their career. This day-to-day operational insight is fundamental to the value creation process.

Leonard Way of Beach Real Estate Funds LLC, an affiliate of The Beach Company
As the Fund Manager for Beach Real Estate Funds LLC, I oversee the Beach Investment Fund, an acquisition fund for acquiring multifamily properties through the Southeast. This Fund invests in well located and well-established apartment communities that benefit from the job and wage growth seen throughout the major MSA’s of the Southeast. The communities are managed by implementing clear, discernible strategies to improve operations, increase cashflows, and ultimately investor returns. The goal of Beach Real Estate Funds and its parent company, The Beach Company, is to make the world better, one thoughtful place at a time. Contact Leonard: