Q&A with M. Damian Billy of The Econophy Group LLC
Principal Series:
Our Biotech M&A transaction represents a fundamental change in which medicine is practiced and patience are treated, at lower cost than previously standardized. The nuclear medicine and molecular imaging diagnostic will replace existing methodology, while providing a more inclusive treatment capacity, through a design that gives it multi-faceted utilization vs. a single purpose. As the technology evolves, we foresee it becoming the “gold standard” to be used around the globe in top-tier, emerging, and in developing countries. Its multi-organ focus will led to new innovations for the care and treatment of incurable and rare diseases.
Join us for a private Family Office Insight Webinar featuring a direct investment related to a $60m Biotech M&A event. Led by The Econophy Group’s CEO, M. Damian Billy, you will learn how our nuclear medicine and molecular imaging diagnostic, which is the first-in-its-class, is positioned to become the industry “gold standard” for the detection and monitoring of pulmonary diseases, i.e., hypertension, which there is no cure, and embolism, when undetected, can be fatal. The technology’s efficacy is 5X current industry standards.
June 9, 2021 at 2:15pm-3:15pm EST
RSVP & Confirmation Required

Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors. Join the community here www.familyofficeinsights.com
How does this technology compare on a competitive basis?
An independent valuation analysis was done by Alacrita Consulting, Ltd., a London-based life sciences, biotech and pharma consultancy focused upon Product Development, Business Development and Strategy & Commercialization. Their finds were there is almost no diagnostics in development for PE or pulmonary hypertension. There analysis covered the major global pharma's and other life science companies. Resulting from their patents in the US, EU, and Canada, the biotech company will retain its industry leadership status. The fact that its derivative design features will extend to multiple organs and diseases, reinforces its "gold standard" characterization.
When do you foresee a commercial product to be released for distribution?
While under going the Phase III trial, we will have tandemly engaged the Swiss manufacturer to begin production of the kits. Used during the trial, we our goal is to create an inventory ready as soon as the FDA approves its release. As pre-emptive task, global distribution partner relationships will have been formed to implement various countries participation.
On a longer term perspective, what do you project ROI to be? Do you have a target?
On original capital received from this presentation, and based on valuation momentum, we foresee a 2x-3x ROI over the next 36 months. Once into the global distribution operating phase, our ROI target is 5x-10x, to include a future IPO event.

M. Damian Billy of The Econophy Group LLC
M. Damian Billy, Founder/CEO is a 30-year veteran in the equities, fixed-income, global macro space and alternative investments. The design of a new index challenging Standard & Poors index resulted in being granted a license. Other roles include international relationships and partnering agreements in the UK, EU, the ME and China. Contact M. Damian: mdbilly@econophy.com