Q&A with Samira Salman
Founder of Salman Solutions
Principal Series:
Family Office Insights sits down with Samira Salman to discuss successful deal structuring and executing strategic solutions for Family Offices and private investors.

Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors. Join the community here www.familyofficeinsights.com
Tell us about your background and your company, Salman Solutions.
I began my career as a corporate tax lawyer in a mergers and acquisitions practice where I structured deals for almost ten years. I retired from practicing law to start my company, Salman Solutions, which builds and grows companies and brands, puts deals together, and raises capital. Salman Solutions works with private companies and high net worth investors to effectively deploy capital through innovative strategies, functional team building, and nimble execution. We have worked in a variety of industries, notably achieving success in the consumer goods, luxury, and consumer technology sectors. Additionally, we partner with alliances in identifying, vetting, and managing investment opportunities in the areas of infrastructure, impact investments, real estate, healthcare, and energy.
What differentiates Salman Solutions?
We have a unique ability to understand the needs and risk profiles of investors AND operating entrepreneurs, and then translate and manage the detailed execution between the two to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship. We build our team per project so we can deploy talent ideally suited for each specific project’s needs. This includes lawyers, CFOs, HR, PR, sales, marketing, and distribution specialists, among others. We’ve developed a proprietary methodology that intakes all current aspects of a business and sets forth a development plan that we manage to conclusion. We offer a high-touch service tailored to each client’s needs. Our model is better because we evaluate all aspects impacting business decisions, not just the details on paper, or a single viewpoint.
How are you changing the landscape of your industry?
Salman Solutions takes pride in the health of an investor’s investments and humanizes the industry. We act as an extension of family offices where investors are deploying capital into human businesses. It’s not just about strong investment with the right financial outcomes; it’s also about the right fit for an investor’s beliefs, goals, and ways of working, and the entrepreneur’s demeanor, capacity, and vision. We begin with a template that is curated and tailored to honor the above nuances. “The devil’s in the details” is a mantra in our company.
What is your ideal project/client?
We work with private companies, of all sizes, that are looking to grow to the next level by increasing revenue, expanding geographies, adding product/service lines, or executing a succession plan. We also work with investors who are looking to directly invest into private companies. These investors are at every stage; from desiring assistance with selecting the right investments to needing help with due diligence, structuring, co-investment, and operations. We also come in after families have made investments and either ensure the capital is being deployed as intended or help with turnarounds when returns aren’t as projected.
What is your mission?
My mission is to empower and facilitate businesses and investors, notably women-led organizations, to engage in more successful and lucrative transactions, relationships, and monetary outcomes.
What’s next for you?
I have a lot of exciting and unique projects in the works that will change the game in certain arenas. I’m also taking Salman Solutions to the next level by deploying stand-alone products (debuting Q3 2017), increasing our partnerships with family offices, and deepening our expertise in the industries in which we’re involved.

Samira Salman
Throughout her career, Samira Salman has advised executives, built companies, and raised capital. Currently, she holds equity in several business and entrepreneurial ventures in the US and abroad. These include real estate; business & advisory firms; and lifestyle, luxury, and health & wellness brands. She also serves as a consultant and special advisor on multiple projects. She is:
- The CEO and founder ofSalman Solutions LLC: a strategic planning and development company
- The CEO and founder ofSamira’s Table LLC: a collaborative platform to encourage Exposure, Experiences and Inspiration™ for your business and lifestyle curiosities
Prior to Salman Solutions, Samira held positions at Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, KPMG, and was in-house tax counsel at Shell Oil Company. Samira received her primary and secondary schooling both state side and in Europe. She has an LL.M. in Taxation from the University of Houston and a JD, and BS in International Trade and Finance with a minor in Economics, from Louisiana State University. She is licensed to practice law in Texas, Louisiana, and before the U.S. Tax Court.
To learn more information, please visit http://salmansolutions.com/, or reach out to Samira directly at samira@salmansolutions.com.