Q&A with Art Gurwitz of Noble Life
Founder & CEO
Principal Series:
Noble Life will build a profitable, sustainable business by setting up a smart phone app allowing every participant in the social good industry to easily and efficiently connect and interact. Noble Life will soon become the universal place donors go to find worthy causes that interest them, and where non-profits go to attract donors, volunteers and invaluable data and metrics.
Join us for a private Family Office Insights Webinar featuring Art Gurwitz, formerly Chief Operating Officer of several prominent international law firms. As COO his responsibilities included overseeing Corporate Social Responsibility programs. It was then that he recognized the potential of pulling together all aspects of the nearly trillion-dollar social good industry on one easily accessible platform.
To create that platform, Art started Noble Life, LLC a for-profit company. Noble Life intends to “link those who need with those who care” in a profitable manner.
May 25, 2022 at 2:15pm-3:15pm EST
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Why would a non-profit want to utilize the Noble Life universal platform?
The non-profit business model is simple: find potential donors, demonstrate why it should be a destination for the potential donor's charitable giving, and then retain the donor, seeking to increase the donations over time. There are challenges to this model, primarily the location of the donor at the onset.
The Noble Life universal platform is the perfect solution, because donors find the worthy cause, not the other way around. Donors can navigate the platform for causes whose mission align with their interests. Participation by a non-profit on the Noble Life universal platform makes target marketing by worthy causes efficient and cost effective.
What will be Noble Life's sources of revenue?
Noble Life will have multiple sources of revenue.
First, the Noble Life universal platform will be the bridge over which charitable giving flows. Once a donor has found a worthy cause, the donor need only press a button on the platform and the donation is made. For this service Noble Life will charge a small transaction fee. Additional revenue sources include a giving registry, gift (“give”) cards and subscription-based services.
Noble Life will also market, in an efficient, cost-effective manner, data metrics and marketing solutions to not-for-profits.
Why doesn't this platform already exist?
The platform does not yet exist for several reasons, the most salient being the highly fractured nature of this industry. Unlike most markets, there are only a few non-profits with name recognition. The vast majority strive for that. The industry is not motivated by profit and therefore does not have elemental motivations such as efficiency, cost reduction, and attention to the bottom line. Worthy causes want to maximize contributions, but do not have the management, resources or technology.
It would - and does - take an outside entrepreneurial enterprise to recognize the potential and maximize it. That enterprise is Noble Life.
Art Gurwitz of Noble Life
Art Gurwitz (Founder) spent thirty years in the legal industry as Chief Operating Officer of major international law firms, including Sullivan & Cromwell and Proskauer Rose. He conceived and implemented major Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. He wrote the definitive book on law firm management, published by Thompson Reuters.
Contact Art: agurwitz@thegurwitzgroup.com