Q&A with David Siegel of the Giordano Bruno Institute
Luminary Series:
Greetings Friends,
Please join our friend David Siegel this week.
Have you seen The Social Dilemma? 38 million people have seen it. They are concerned that today’s digital platforms are using our data against us. Just last week a company called Solairus was hacked, losing personal data of wealthy families and their employees. The platforms we use today are all vulnerable, and when they are not losing your data they are selling it to advertisers.
While some are starting think tanks and lobbying for new rules, I want to create an alternative digital platform with your data at its heart, where you own it and you control it.
On Thursday, April 8th at noon EST, David will host a webinar to present his nonprofit. Please email him directly for access to webinar.
David Siegel david@dsiegel.com
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David Siegel of the Giordano Bruno Institute
David Siegel has a master’s degree in computer science from Stanford and has completed the Harvard Business School course on board effectiveness. He has started more than a dozen startups, sat on many boards, written 5 books, and given over 200 speeches. He writes and speaks about technology, economics, money, governance, and the future. He was a candidate to be the dean of Stanford business school and has been involved in blockchain and cryptocurrencies for five years. He helps companies understand decentralization, tokenization, the economy, personal data, the future of work, the future world economy, and more.