Q&A with Toufi of HyperCycle
Luminary Series Series:
If you are an AI venture investor, or AI entrepreneur, join us to learn more about how Hypercycle can help you grow your business exponentially, and enhance your VC investment (matching funds available for qualified firms).
HyperCycle is the Internet of AI. Our mission is to facilitate direct AI-to-AI communication without the need for intermediaries. Our network constantly increases its overall intelligence and revolutionizes global AI consumption. Discover the revolutionary minds being this mission and how, together, we are reshaping humanity’s engagement with AI.
By enabling AI systems to communicate and collaborate more efficiently and securely between Nodes, HyperCycle can help AI systems to learn and grow quicker. It makes businesses in need of AI computing more efficient and profitable, retributing all network participants in the process.
Toufi is the co-author of the Toda/IP protocol and currently serves as the global chair for international protocols for AI security for the IEEE which is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of all humanity. Toufi’s a history of building various AI projects, cryptography and cybersecurity centric, he has experienced both failures and successes, with his first AI exit occurring in his early 20s in 2002 and several successes continuing through a couple decades later in October 2022 took on the leadership of HyperCycle.ai and grew from 500 licenses sold to over 280,000 in one year and valuation growth also of over 60X reaching a unicorn status in less than a year from inception and still expecting bigger growth to come. Toufi continues to work tirelessly across many nations and towards a secure and benevolent AI for the benefits of all humanity. Toufi Saliba is known for his critical analysis of AI projects, driven by his passion for the field and belief in cooperative efforts and security by construction. In 2013, he introduced AiDecentralized to computing scientist groups, aiming to build awareness and resilience against internal attacks. His efforts gained traction when he presented to ACM in 2016 and subsequently to the world in 2017.
He has collaborated with notable figures like Ben Goertzel on various initiatives, some of which succeeded, and others failed, but all contributed to actionable, self-sustaining, and profitable initiatives serving the global AI community.
Join us for a private Family Office Insights Webinar featuring HyperCycle
If you are an AI venture investor, or AI entrepreneur, join us to learn more about how Hypercycle can help you grow your business exponentially, and enhance your VC investment (matching funds available for qualified firms).
June 05, 2024 at 2:15pm-3:15pm EST
RSVP & Confirmation Required
Investors Only Please!

Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors. Join the community here www.familyofficeinsights.com
Why would HyperCycle valuable to AI venture venture investors and AI Entrepreneurs? ?
By enabling AI systems to communicate and collaborate more efficiently and securely between Nodes, HyperCycle can help AI systems to learn and grow quicker. It makes businesses in need of AI computing more efficient and profitable, retributing all network participants in the process.

Toufi of HyperCycle
Toufi holds positions as the Global Chair of IEEE AI Standards, Chair of ACM PB CC, and is a founding member of DAIA (Decentralized AI Alliance). He has been an invited honorary speaker at major global events, including WIC, ITU, UN, Busan, and the Korean National Assembly.
In 2021, he posed a thought-provoking question about the global race towards AGI at the global AGI summit. This led to the decision to build an AI brain on the Toda/IP protocol, an initiative he chose to lead. In October 2022, HyperCycle was launched, focusing on customers who recognize the power of cooperative intelligence. The business model is B2B, with zero transaction fees and 1% on royalties. To date, over 241,000 licenses have been sold, and a token sale was initiated with 60 months tokenomics.
HyperCycle represents the pinnacle of Toufi’s career, encapsulating his vision for the future of secure AI and peer-to-peer efficient technology. It aims to add value to everyone, promoting collaboration and integration of AI technologies into societal advancements. The platform, HyperCycle.ai, is a testament to Toufi’s commitment to working together across the AI community.